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Top Eleven List for Moving through the Diagnosis Phase

USAID Learns

Are you interested in assessing your team, organization, or network’s capacities in Collaborating, Learning & Adapting (CLA)?

This list offers some tips for applying an organizational diagnostic tool that can help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement in working together, learning from evidence, and adapting to changing contexts. Excelling in these areas is key to organizational resilience in the face of challenges and particularly important for local organizations.

If your process isn't thoughtful, whatever tool you apply won’t be very useful.  The most important are:

  • Don’t assess that which you are not willing to address. 
  • Don’t go it alone.
  • Model the change you are ultimately after in how you manage the process
  • And, lastly, any assessment is only as useful as the meaning people make of it, so any assessment process needs to be followed by a sensemaking and action planning process.

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