Ideas and tools to apply learning practices
18 Results
GROOVE Market Facilitation Program Administrator's Guide
The GROOVE Market Facilitation Mentoring Program is designed to increase staff capacity to implement value chain programs that provide sustainable economic benefits to the poor and…
GROOVE Market Facilitation Mentoring Program Overview
This document is an overview of the GROOVE Market Facilitation Mentoring Program, a tested approach to building the capacity of value chain program managers and technical…
Learning Network Facilitator Terms of Reference
This is a Terms of Reference (TOR) for a learning network facilitator for the Knowledge-Driven Enterprise Development (KDMD) project's Grants under Contracts (GUC). The Grants-Under…
Supporting Communities of Practice: A TOPS Quick Guide to Linking Development Practitioners
Communities of practice can take on many different forms. However, they share a common goal: connecting people in a particular craft and/or profession to share experiences and learn…
GROOVE Quarterly Learning Journal Template
The GROOVE learning network utilized learning journals in a number of ways. In addition to providing an opportunity to reflect on their own, network members used the journals as a…
GROOVE Learning Network Peer Assist Template
Peer assists were one way that GROOVE Learning Network members supported each other within the network. Throughout the course of the grant, GROOVE members participated in a number…
GROOVE Learning Network Progress Report Template
As part of the GROOVE Learning Network, members submitted regular progress reports including program highlights, program progress, participation in learning network activities, and…
Learning Network Technical Assistance Field Visit Notes Template
This template was created for facilitators or external consultants to provide technical assistance to learning network members under for the Knowledge-Driven Enterprise Development …
Communities of Practice and Networks: Reviewing Two Perspectives on Social Learning
This paper examines two different approaches used to describe and analyse similar phenomena: ‘networks for learning’ and ‘communities of practice’. These approaches are both…
Increasing Program Reach Through Learning Networks
A presentation given by Stacey Young (USAID/PPL) at the USAID/EGAT Knowledge Management Fair on February 25, 2008. In this presentation, Young discusses some of the benefits of…