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Learning (in the) Lab: A Utilization-focused Learning Agenda Playbook [External Version]


Compiled in partnership between the U.S. Global Development Lab’s Office of Evaluation and Impact Assessment (Lab/EIA) and the USAID LEARN contract, Learning (in the) Lab: A Utilization-Focused Learning Playbook is designed to share with our colleagues the tools and resources we’ve used to design, develop, implement, and iterate upon a bureau-wide, utilization-focused learning agenda called the Lab Evaluation, Research, and Learning (ERL) Plan. A process, as well as a series of products, the ERL Plan was designed to strengthen the Lab’s ability to learn, and continuously improve its programs, operations, and strategy. Initially facilitated by EIA, the Plan is holistically informed by—and serves to further institutionalize—strategic learning and adaptive management through collaborative efforts across the Lab.

Through this Playbook, we hope to inspire and equip others to bring learning and evidence utilization to the fore in their own work by providing practical examples of how we applied innovative thinking from the disciplines of human- and user-centered design, organizational development, and adult learning to operationalize the Lab ERL Plan. This document also serves as a compilation of relevant tools, resources, and insights developed by others at USAID whose knowledge and experience with learning agendas directly benefited the Lab’s learning work.

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