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274 Results
Lucky #7: Meet the Updated CLA Framework, Version 7
In our ongoing efforts to articulate what we mean by CLA, we are pleased to announce Version 7 of the CLA Framework. For those of you loyal Learning Lab blog readers who have gotten…
The Power of a New, Web-Based Collaborative Tool to Deliver Essential Information to Health Professionals in Developing Countries
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: Ongoing monitoring of user feedback and technical support questions have helped inform improvements to…
Marine Protected Area Management Capacity Building Program for the Gulf of California
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: Success of the capacity building program is being measured at different levels using different…
UNICEF Communities
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: In the Spring of 2010, the UNICEF Communities team and recognized experts in the field: Etienne Wenger…
Improving the Social Value of Knowledge for Women Entrepreneurs
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: To evaluate the initiative we used the self assessment tool for NGO’s through a SWOT exercise which…
The CGIAR Knowledge Sharing Project, 2004-2006: Phase 1 Evaluation Results
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: In July 2008 the Institutional Knowledge Sharing (IKS) Project commissioned (Ben Hack) to…
Global Health eLearning Center: Learning and Evolving
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: A multi-prong approach is used to measure the success of the Global Health eLearning (GHeL) initiative…
Fostering Research and Scholarship Through Knowledge Sharing Activities
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: Besides anecdotal evidence of our faculty expressing their delight in learning new things, generating…
International Volunteering/Voluntourism – Do It Yourself Foreign Aid
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: Because of the sheer number of organizations involved in international volunteering and the…
Africa Knowledge Management Awards
Describe The Approaches Utilized To Measure / Assess This KM Initiative: The measure would simply be the number of entries received on the website and the reach of the…