Ideas and tools to apply learning practices
42 Results
Collaborative Learning and Adapting for Better Social Dialogue on Gender in Jordan
The USAID Takamol Gender Program, a three-year activity implemented by IREX, seeks to “move the needle” toward more equitable gender policies, practices, and attitudes in Jordan…
Gender and Development Dialogues: A CLA Approach for Gender Integration Among USAID Implementing Partners in Cambodia
USAID/Cambodia works with its partners to protect natural resources, improve health and nutrition, promote democracy and good governance, and help children improve their reading…
USAID/Zimbabwe’s Big Weeks and CLA: A Blueprint for Participatory, Scenario-Based CDCS Development
From fall 2015 through the spring of 2016, USAID/Zimbabwe developed its Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for 2016–2021. This is our first full CDCS following a three…
Fostering Reflective Practice in Complex Development Programming: Zambia's Mawa Project
This case is concerned with Catholic Relief Services’ learning around a safe-fail pilot of the use of evaluative thinking (ET) in the Feed the Future ‘Mawa’ Project located in the…
Learning Platforms to Strengthen Partnerships and Outcomes for MTCT Reduction
Since September 2013, the Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) has been leading the Partnership for HIV Free Survival (PHFS) initiative in 30 health facilities in…
Using a CLA Approach to Improve Literacy in Uganda
For the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program (SHRP), adapting to improve results is at the core of everything we do, and at the core of what have now become national…
Applying the Rapid Feedback MERL Approach with Family Care First Cambodia
Family Care First (FCF) Cambodia is a multi-stakeholder initiative that includes 27 implementing organizations and seeks to develop a comprehensive care system in Cambodia to…
The Learning Dojo: A Space for CLA "Black Belts" at USAID
In late 2016, USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning & Learning (PPL) initiated the Learning Dojo, an effort to bring together five operating units at USAID around a shared…
USAID Evidence Summits: Turning Evidence into Action
Integral to the agency's reform efforts is a renewed emphasis on the application of research and evaluation to inform strategic thinking about development. An evidence-based…
Outcome Mapping: Building Learning and Reflection into Development Programs
The Evaluation Unit and a number of IDRC programs have been working with Dr. Barry Kibel of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation to adapt his Outcome Engineering…