Ideas and tools to apply learning practices
36 Results
DRG Integration: Case Study Synthesis Report
Recently, the DRG Center presented the findings from six DRG Integration Case Studies (Ethiopia, Indonesia, Rwanda, Guatemala, Malawi and Nepal) to 50 representatives of key USAID…
Using a CLA Approach in Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Action Planning
USAID requires all projects to address gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) as a crosscutting theme and regularly undergo rigorous GESI analysis and compliance evaluation. As…
Thinking and Working Politically (TWP) through Applied Political Economy Analysis (PEA): Core Resource Documents
Thinking and Working Politically: A Guide for Practitioners provides an overview of the process and methodology for applied PEA in use within USAID, and guidance on how PEA…
Tips on Power Dynamics and Theories of Change
These tips relate to the theory of change (TOC) that animates your programming - a description of how the Mission perceives the system it wants to change, and how and why the…
Serbia Competitiveness Assessment and Political Economy Analysis
This assessment seeks to identify the key factors constraining Serbia’s private MSME sector, and its ability to grow and compete, particularly in EU markets and against the…
Feed the Future Democratic Republic of the Congo Political Economy Analysis: Coffee, Dried Bean, and Soybean Value Chains
Between September-November 2017, J.E. Austin Associates, Inc. (JAA) deployed a three-person team to undertake a political economy analysis (PEA) of the coffee, soybean, and dried…
Theories of Change in International Development: Communication, Learning, or Accountability?
This paper, written by Craig Valters for The Justice and Security Research Forum, provides an analysis of how Theories of Change are used in the day-to-day practice of an…
Habits of Mind for Cultivating Strategic Thinking & Learning
This document walks through exercises to reflect on thought processes around ambiguity, turbulent environments, and adaptive strategies.
Interactive Planning
Interactive planning, as defined and disseminated on by Russell L. Ackoff, focuses on creating the future by designing a desirable present. Interactive planning is unlike other…
Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis: A Practical Method for Project Planning and Evaluation
Participatory Impact Pathways Analysis (PIPA) is an umbrella term to describe both the participatory construction of impact pathways and their subsequent use. This brief focuses on…