Ideas and tools to apply learning practices
34 Results
Managing Complexity: Adaptive Management at Mercy Corps
To be effective in complex environments we need to be more agile and able to adapt to changes in needs and opportunities in a timely and intentional way.This document articulates…
Outcomes for Money (OxM): An Unorthodox Analysis of Value for Money
This experimental methodology takes a fresh look at the notion of value for money, by redefining ‘value’ as the changes experienced in terms of new knowledge, attitudes and…
Tips on Learning from Context Formal and Informal Approaches to Understanding the Local Political Economy
Successfully adapting your programmatic efforts and policy engagement to the context depends on maintaining your understanding of that context. Given this, continuous …
Tips for Strengthening Local Capacity To Assess Incentives and Conduct Savvy, Adaptive Programming
These tips are part of a series of tips and resources to support context-driven adaptation in programming. For other resources, see the public version of the Context…
Tips to Adaptively Manage in Dynamic Contexts
These tips are part of a series of tips and resources to support context-driven adaptation in programming. For other resources, see the public version of the Context…
Thinking and Working Politically (TWP) through Applied Political Economy Analysis (PEA): Core Resource Documents
Thinking and Working Politically: A Guide for Practitioners provides an overview of the process and methodology for applied PEA in use within USAID, and guidance on how PEA…
Applied Political Economy Analysis (PEA): Reference Materials
These materials are intended to provide some ideas on possible ways to structure documents and processes associated with conducting Applied Political Economy Analysis, including:
Habits of Mind for Cultivating Strategic Thinking & Learning
This document walks through exercises to reflect on thought processes around ambiguity, turbulent environments, and adaptive strategies.
Unleashing Breakthrough Innovation in Government
Public sector innovators are improving government by replicating the market conditions that have long fostered breakthrough innovation in the private sector
Evaluations for Learning: A Discussion Paper for the UK Not-for-Profit Sector
This paper compares conventional evaluations and evaluations for learning. Some notes are offered for commissioners of evaluations, and the paper concludes with some questions for…