Ideas and tools to apply learning practices
50 Results
USAID/Zimbabwe’s Big Weeks and CLA: A Blueprint for Participatory, Scenario-Based CDCS Development
From fall 2015 through the spring of 2016, USAID/Zimbabwe developed its Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for 2016–2021. This is our first full CDCS following a three…
DRG Integration: Case Study Synthesis Report
Recently, the DRG Center presented the findings from six DRG Integration Case Studies (Ethiopia, Indonesia, Rwanda, Guatemala, Malawi and Nepal) to 50 representatives of key USAID…
How-To Note: Prepare and Maintain a Performance Management Plan (PMP)
A Performance Management Plan (PMP) is a Mission-wide tool for planning and managing the process of (1) monitoring strategic progress, project performance, programmatic assumptions,…
USAID Biodiversity Programming How-To Guides
The USAID/E3 Forestry and Biodiversity Office has released three Biodiversity Programming How-To Guides to help with these questions: 1) Developing Situation Models; 2) Using…
How-To Note: CDCS Mid-Course Stocktaking
The Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) Mid-Course Stocktaking How-To Note provides guidance on planning and conducting a mid-course stocktaking. The process described…
Integration for Maximum Results
USAID/Honduras is using CLA for its integration approach under Development Objective 2 (DO2) “Extreme poverty sustainably reduced for vulnerable populations in western Honduras,” of…
Vulnerability to Resilience: A Training Module
We tend to think about poor people in a one-dimensional way (poor people are poor because they don’t have money), which results in program interventions that address only the…
Adaptive Management at the Strategy Level: Portfolio Reviews and Mid Course Stocktaking
On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. EST, the Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL) held a one-hour webinar exploring Strategy-level Portfolio Reviews and Mid…
USAID CDCS Mid Course Stocktaking: What We've Learned So Far & How To Get Started
CDCS mid-course stocktaking has emerged as one approach to assessing ongoing strategy and program implementation, particularly in light of contextual changes and emerging lessons…
Thinking and Working Politically (TWP) through Applied Political Economy Analysis (PEA): Core Resource Documents
Thinking and Working Politically: A Guide for Practitioners provides an overview of the process and methodology for applied PEA in use within USAID, and guidance on how PEA…